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Instagram Reactivation Guide: Easily Restore Your Account
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Social networks like Instagram can steal a lot of time, so some users choose to disable their accounts for a period of time. The problem is that the process of account recovery (reactivation) is a kind of simple, but not pretty obvious procedure. Therefore, read our manual on how to reactivate Instagram easily.
Table of Contents
- Reasons for account suspending
- Reactivating Instagram account after temporarily disabling it
- How long does it take for instagram to reactivate your account?
- Is it possible to reactivate an instagram account before 24 hours?
- Reactivating a blocked (suspended) Instagram account
- Instagram reactivated my account without my permission
- Why can't I reactivate my Instagram account?
- Reactivating hacked account?
- Create a new IG account (if reactivation is not available)
- How many times can I deactivate my Instagram account?
- How long does it take Instagram to delete an inactive account?
- User disabled their account yesterday and now can't log in
- If I temporarily reactivate my Instagram, will my followers come back?
- Does Instagram notify followers when you reactivate inactive profile?
Important detail. We aren't going to talk about reactivating a deleted Instagram account. If you've deleted your account completely, please go to another manual or simply create a new account. In this manual we're talking about a temporarily disabled or suspended user account.
Reasons for account suspending
When the owner of an Instagram account violates the rules of the user agreement, his page is soon blocked by the service. It is possible to get blocked for a variety of reasons, the most serious of which are:
- Propaganda of violence, terrorism, drugs
- Unethical content, discrimination
- Nude images
- Spam, self-promotional comments
- Plagiarism and other illegal activities
- Using of 3rd party services
Users can also deactivate their accounts. There are two ways to do it:
- Complete deletion of the Instagram profile without the possibility of recovering
- Temporary freeze, which is easy to cancel at any time
Reactivating Instagram account after temporarily disabling it
An advantage of reactivating an Instagram account is that you can do it at any time you want. However, in some cases this process can take up to 24 hours, although it usually lasts for several hours.
In order to reactivate temporarily disabled Instagram account do the following:
Step 1. Launch Instagram app or visit the service website through a browser on your PC or Mac.

Step 2. Log in to your account with your credentials by filling in the text fields.

Step 3. Tap the "Log In" button.

Step 4. If your username and password are entered correctly, you'll be logged in to the account thus enabling it again.
Step 5. If there any changes in the Terms of Use, you may have to agree to the updated policy of Instagram again.

This way, you don't need to take any action to regain access to a disabled account. Once you have entered the correct access details and logged into your account, Instagram gives you back full control over your profile.
How long does it take for instagram to reactivate your account?
It must take up to 24 hours from the moment of blocking to be able to unblock your account. This action is available both from the mobile app and on the PC.
The simple steps to reactivate IG account are:
Step 1. Open the app or go to the Instagram website from your computer.
Step 2. On the login page, type in your phone number, email or username.

Step 3. Enter your password.
Step 4. Tap "Login".

If any of the items does not fit and the system displays a message about the incorrectly entered data, you should use the button "Forgot your password" and restore access to IG profile as indicated in the instructions.
Difficulties may arise in case you forgot a password or you weren't the one who disabled the account. Read below how to deal with a problem like this.
If you still experience problems when logging in to your Instagram account or you can't sign in after reactivation, the first thing you can do is to give a try to authenticating with your Facebook account, if it was linked to your Instagram profile page.
The second option is to reset your password:
Open Instagram app.
On the start page select the "Forgot password?" option.

Enter your email, phone number or username to recover your account password. Let's assume that you have entered your email.
Open your email account and find the email. You will receive an email with a link for resetting your password via a phone or username. Tap the link.

- Log into your account by entering your username and new password.
Is it possible to reactivate an instagram account before 24 hours?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to speed up the reactivation process. This is because it takes 24 hours to deactivate an account. Therefore, you will not be able to reactivate your account without deactivating it.
Reactivating a blocked (suspended) Instagram account
Unfortunately, some accounts are disabled by Instagram on its own. Usually it happens due to the violation of the terms of the service usage. For example, if a user has posted inappropriate content or committed unacceptable behavior. In such cases the process of reactivation isn't easy and actually isn't always possible.
However, there is an appeal procedure: through it you can explain the case and hope for the banning of your account to be reconsidered.
So, if your account has been suspended by the service, to get it back:
Log in to Instagram as usual.
You will see a notification “Your account has been disabled”.
Follow the on-screen instructions after going through authentication.
An alternative way to activate your account is via the appeal form. There you must specify your full name, username, email and phone number and provide the reason for the appeal in a polite form (if your account was blocked by mistake).

Bear in mind that if your account was blocked due to the violation of rules, the appeal won't deliver any positive result. There is no sense contact to customer support, in apologizing, “crying poor mouth” or inventing something that didn't happen.
Instagram reactivated my account without my permission
On the Internet you can find negative reviews related to the work of Instagram. Users complain that the service reactivated their accounts without permission.

If the IG reactivated account without my permission, the main way to get it back is to contact tech support. To do this, you need to fill out a form:
- Go to the page with the feedback form.

Fill in all the fields - write your name, phone number, login name, and email.
Choose the residence country from the dropdown list.
In the appropriate field, write the reason for appeal - why you think that the reactivation was wrong. The text of the letter should be without foul language, profanity, in a polite form.
Tap on a "Send" button to finish the login activation process.
Please note that the email address must be the same as the one you used to register your account.
Instructions on how to contact customer support
For a business account, filling out the form is slightly different. First, you need to answer "Yes" to the appropriate question, after that an additional section will appear.
If the IG account is blocked after serious infringements of the service rules, then an appeal is unlikely to help. Apologies, excuses do not make sense in this situation.
After reviewing the application, the support service will send a letter to the specified email. If the decision to unlock is positive, it will contain instructions on how to restore and a code.
According to the instructions, you need to write on a piece of paper the code sent, your login, last name and first name. Take a photo, so you can clearly see your face and the inscription. Send this information in a reply message.
Instagram support staff will verify the information within 48 hours.
If the account has been restored, a notification will come in the email.
If you haven't received a reply after two days, repeat all the steps to fill out the form and send the code again.
Why can't I reactivate my Instagram account?
Sometimes the user can't reactivate instagram account due to technical bugs on the Instagram site. They do not always apply to all accounts, but can affect only Android or iOS users.
The problem can occur due to the use of an old version of the iPhone app. In this case, you need to update it through the App Store. ALso, you can use another app or platform.
Next, try logging into your Insta-profile from your PC. To do this:
Open the web browser, go to the link.
Enter the user credentials for logging in to your Instagram profile.

- If the problem affects only mobile apps (iOS or Android), try opening the account from the PC.
Reactivating hacked account?
Usually, when fraudsters gain access to an Instagram account, they immediately change the password, phone number and email. When requested to change the data, the profile owner receives a message asking him to confirm the action or cancel it. Follow the link to cancel the last changes.
If the message didn't come or is lost and you no longer have access to your profile, contact customer service. To do so:
- On the app login page, click "Forgot login information" at the bottom.
- Tap on the "Need more help?" link.
- In the text box, describe your problem.
- Send a message and wait for tech support to respond.
- The answer will come in the email. It will contain instructions on how to reactivate your account.
Most often, it is required to confirm the identity. As in the case with blocking, IG support asks to send a photo of the account owner with written on paper login, name and code from the email.

If account login isn't blocked, but you suspect someone else has access to your account, you'll need to reset your password:
- Think of a complex combination of letters and numbers, write it down so you don't forget it
- Change your password through your Instagram settings (“Security” section)
- After changing the password, connect two-factor authentication.
- Tap the button to activate it and choose a convenient way to confirm your login - via sms or email.
- It is not superfluous to check the phone for viruses and prohibit access of unverified apps to the memory of the device. To do this, find the section "Apps with allowed access" on the Instagram site, tap on the "Revoke access" button.
Create a new IG account (if reactivation is not available)
Sometimes none of the steps you've taken to reactivate your Instagram profile work. If you want to continue using the social network, you will have to create a new profile:
Go to the Instagram mobile app or website
Tap "Sign Up"

Enter your phone number or email in the appropriate fields
Write your first and last name
Create a new password
Enter your date of birth (user must be at least 13 years old).

Login can be chosen for free. Profile picture can be put right when you create the page or select the "Later" option. Tap "Done".
How many times can I deactivate my Instagram account?
You can deactivate your account once a week according to the service's privacy policy. There is no limit on the number of such deactivations. But if seven days have not passed since the last deactivation, you cannot deactivate it again.
How long does it take Instagram to delete an inactive account?
If the user does not visit his page for a long time, Instagram will delete it. The service does not specify an exact deadline for deactivation, but active use of the account is welcome. If you enter the page at least once a month, the account will work without problems.
User disabled their account yesterday and now can't log in
Before you temporarily disable your Instagram account, make sure you know current login information - your username and password. This is the only thing you will need to restore it. The reactivation procedure is the same as the usual authorization on Instagram.
If the user has completely deleted his page in IG, it will not be possible to restore access to it. In Instagram, all data is deleted irretrievably. In this case, there is only one option - to create a new profile.
If I temporarily reactivate my Instagram, will my followers come back?
All posts, likes and comments are not deleted when you temporarily deactivate. Subscribers and followers stay too, the page looks the same after reactivation as it did before the disconnect.
Does Instagram notify followers when you reactivate inactive profile?
Subscribers won't find out about your account being temporarily disabled. Only when they go to your page will they be notified that the page doesn't exist. When you activate your account, no one will be notified either.
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